Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mind Mapping - Tony Buzan [2008]

Every single brain is potential brilliant.

For forty years, Tony Buzan has been telling people about "mind maps", he was outside the board in Hong Kong on the weekend to encourage student to use this multi-coloured diagram to organize their thought better.

The mind map does another way compare with the traditional note taking, something that held him back in his student day.

The mind map is a list of photographs of your thoughts.

A linear note is a mis-translation of your thought. So I suddenly realize that my standard notes was ninety percent totally irrelevant to my memory. 'cause my memory didn't work with sentences and no one's memory work with sentences, work with key idea, that's how we remember.

And not only that but they were all in one color, now one color, is the mono-tone of color. And mono and tone equal mono-tone, and a mono-tone is a monotonic - monostonous. And that's what the word means monotonous and if something is monotonous - what words should we use to describe it: BORING.

To help us illustrate the idea to a reporter Sarah when he started to construct the mind map to represent the inverview who is giving.

Studies done on people who take notes in one color, on-line - within three months of graduating - they've had forgotten eighty percent of what they learnt for the degree.

Four years - to forget it all in three months - waste of time, to educate the design in the sixteen hundred, seventeen hundred's especially eighteen and nineteen hundreds for just recording the information and doing without thinking.

And people who learn in the outdated way - your industrial-military way will not be at a function  in the twenty-first century.

As impressing as it may seem, Tony Buzan is definitely an optimum, for him, there are no such thing as a nature and nurture arguement - everyone brain has the capacity of a genius.

A lot of people are nurture in the wrong way, their brains are managed in the wrong way, you can actually see on the slides of babies brains. If they have not been nurtured, a perfectly healthy baby, but if they are not nurtured well, the slide are a desert. Little dot, which are the senses  of the brain cell - the nucleus - neo-cational-little-trans connecting.

If they have been nurtured , they are like jungles - you know the brain grows and make connections and that's the nurture.

Tony Buzan is the world leading author and top lecturer on the brain and learning, he was written over eighty four book achieve huge success in more than one hundred countries and thiry languages.

Tony Buzan, the inventor of "mind maps" - the thinking tool is described as the Swist Amry knife of the brain.

"Mind maps" is the thinking tool that reflect the externally what go on inside your head.

I found  my mind-mapping is really useful because I can get all the bit of information I need in one page.

Mind mapping is really useful because everyone can see that their point of view are recored over and it is listenning to and being recored, and so they have their input and they can see that they had their input.

Because I read it I use a lot of picture in my mind maps.

If I say to you "Apple" - what happens, bump - a picture of apple and association - a mind map is exactly like that - It allows you to see the entire picture - it allows  you to see the details - the wood and the tree at the same time.

It is ... a map of your thought.

Computer-based mind mapping it's become a popular way over the last few years - unfortunately, many products of playing to allow you to mind mapping on a computer - none have managed to fully duplicate Tony processes which has been prove so successfully for million of people.

Since I invented mind map, I dream of the day when computer are able to catch up on the human brain, because up to now, they couldn't.

It was too restrict, it was too rigid, it was too dull, it was too colourless, and fundamentally, it couldn't mind maps.

Until now that is, Tony Buzan and the Buzan organization has laughed iMindMap - a software tool that allow you to mind map on the computer - just as you would on paper.

With iMindMap - you can free hand, branches and hand-write text, you can even work without toolbar, icon or menu, it is simple and intuitive to use. Complete freedom of movement of Mind Mapping shows maximum benefit to unleash the full potential of your brain.

What it has done is to allow you, whoever you are, allow you to transfer your thought via the computer onto the screen on to pages, whatever you want.

And the mind map is created by you. It is far more powerful, putent, that is a mind map that was created for you, because when you create it with this program allows you to do, all the processing is done in your head - and the computer now allows that process to be exteralize via a computer - totally revolutionary and I am really happy, really happy.

Once you experience how liberating a feeling it is to create a mind map with I mind map, you will discover there were no limit how it can help you in work, school and at home.

One of the biggest thing is of giving us presentation - the mind mapping really help to take that fear away to make it easier.

I use it for my, my personal goal setting, my bussiness skills, for my strategy, coming up with new idea, working with my team, incredibly powerful tool.

Sometimes doing University works is not always fun and it is hard work, but doing mind mapping, I enjoy doing it.

The human brain, does not think in tool bar, and menu list, it think organicly, all nature form, like the circulation system, like the brances of the tree, like the nervous system - like the vain in the leaf of the tree, that is how the brain thinks, and to think well, it needs a tool that reflect that organic natural nature and that is what the project has been focusing on - and that - is what this project has been achieved.

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