Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The World Tonight - BBC Radio 4 [01/03/2011]

It's ten o'clock, this is the World Tonight with Ritula Shah. 

Relieve workers has warned the situation on Lybia border with Tunisia is now a humananian crisis, and the international effort need to excavate the refuge. We are here from an aid worker, who is a doctor previous returned from Italy.

You are bound and you just face machine gun, with no safety, with no protection what so ever.

The U.N. Human Rights Council has meeting in New York with anomously agree to suspend Lybia. 

As rumbling is dis-content to be continue around the Arap's world, we here what Saudi Arabia made of the up-rising. 
" They think they're wrong, that financial benefit could  fit the people, could calm the people, I think people are earning to the liberty of freedom. 

The Ministry of Defend has anounced the first wave of redundancy of Army Forces. Some troops currently serving in Afragistan could lose their job.

Also tonight, has arrived the Internet as a place of plagiarism, it's all from BBC News from Walt Savage.

As thousand of people flee from Lybia, relieve say they are facing a huge blow humanatian emergency on the country Western border. Seven five thousand mainly worker has passed into Tunisia in the past nine days, with more coming all the time. They are lack food, water and shelter. The U.N World Food program has issue a urgent appeal to help and for massive excavation program. Our current correspondant reports from the scene.

You are listening to a total chaos from here, out of Tunisian & Lybian's border, this is no man's land. This area here control access to a narrow passage to the Tunisian road, there are thousand of thousand  people waiting desperately to cross that border. Some of them who is in front of the crowd here has been overcome and across and they are on top of the arriving and condition of exhaustion and hardly able to breathe. Many of them has been waiting here for days, many of them are Egyption, migrant workers, not all of them, but they are waiting here for days in despate condition, just desperate to get through to the Tunisia side and to safety. 


[Person names] has reported recently sack his intelligent [Person names], who is belive to be responsible for the violent repression of the protest in the East - forces loyal to the regime has reported to be repelled over night as they are trying to capture three towns and cities close to tripily, including [Place name] about thirty miles to the West.

The United Nation general assembly in New York has suspended Lybia from the U.N. Human Rights Council, the resolution has been agreed anomously as Lybia has commited systematic violation of human rights. Here, the cabinet discuss the possibly of enforcing a no-fly zone over Lybia to protect Anti-government protestors. The foreign secretary Willam Hecks told the BBC that such a move will  ideally be sanction by the U.N. resolution, but it is not nessessary essential. In Washington, the U.S defend secretary Robert Gates said that many options and consideracy will be considered but no decision should be made:

" The U.N. Security Resolution Council has been made provide no authorisation for the use of Armed Force, there is no imility within NATO or the use of Armed Force, and the kind of option that has been talked about has their own consequences and the border's effect. So they will have to consider carefully."

In Tunisia, the Government has granted the country's main Islamic political movement in Nada possibly to form a Political Party. The Islamic movement has been banned for two decades, Anada leaders said that they are looking forwart to contest the election in July. 

A Bristish soilder has been shot death while ...


A Bristish soilder has been shot death while on Partrol in Afragistan, the service man from Royal Army was killed by the enermy fire in the Narasharah district in helman, his family has been told. 

More details has been anounced to plan cut to Britain Armed Forces as part of the strategic defend review. The RAF has made more than two thousand people redundant. The Navy has to share of more than eight thousand jobs, some of those who is serving in Afragistan could be affected. Labour has been criticised for the timing of the announcement, saying pillot, the people was in time in the no-fly zone over Lybia would be stunned. The Defend secretary William Fox said that the event in Lybia should have a bearing on the defend's review. 

"It would seem a bit over fouly to tear a top, because of the event in one week - the Middle East, let's see how it settle down. We always said that the defend review isn't a single event but it is a process and that is something it has to look up on a very regular basic and it is what you would expect the defend of the country to doubt with.

Britain has announed a major shift in the way it deliver international aid, the funding for 60 countries including Russia and China would be face down. And more money would be spent instead on helping un-stable country such as Somalia and Afragistan. Region with high rates of maternal mortality will also be prioritise. 

Firms selling insurance and pension plan has been told they will have to stop using gender as a factor when setting prices of their policy - The European Code of Justice has ruled their  set among the sex discrimination. It is expected to see a sharp increase in car insurance for young women, staring at the Bristish Insurance said it also have wider consequences:

" It effects most insurances, where male driver are buying large and more dangerous insurance and female driver live longer and therefore pay less. And it notices when you buy your pension while female live longer so therefore pay a slightly less for the anunity. 


John Gellileo has been sacked by the French fashion house Dior after a video appear in the internet shows the British designer making anti-sceptic remark during a night-out in Paris. Mr Gallileo who has been Dior's cheif designer for fifteen-years hasn't made any comments on his dismissal. Report from Paris, our correspondant Enphraser. With Paris fashion week upon us, John Gallileo has been hoped to wire up the French public with his latest winter collection. Instead, it is the [] in a Paris bar that has taken the industry breath away. On Thursday night, he was arrested in Paris for a suspected verbal abuse with a female customer, she led he has used anti-smetic language, he has denied it, but now a second woman has came forward and let similar thing and a video is circulating the web in which the drunken looking Mr. Gallileo is saying: I love Hitler, the designer, which is arrested in the moment, haven't made any comments. 

The community secretary Alex Pickle has suggested that some local council are disportionally slashing funding for charity. In a speech to the national council of national voleenteer orgarnization he said he should consider using the laws to stop high handed council passing on the bulk of central government cut to volunteer organization. Tonight, the volenteer organization deny the charity for getting a raw deal and the Mr Pickle's remark was just a contribute to the spirit of localism. 

Thank you Von, you are listening to the World Tonight with Ritula Shah.

The Libyan capital Tripoli has appeared to be settling to an un-easy calm. But beyond the city there are different stories, both [place name] and [place name] lie just outside Tripoli and both has seen fighting between pro and anti government forces. Tonight has concerned mouth about the civilian [people name] has fight on. The U.S and Europe is still discussing the possiblity of implementing a no-fly zone over Libya. 


A short time ago, I spoke to an Italian doctor, who wants to remain anonomous, she just returned from Tripoli and she described what's it like there:

" I think there are time in night time where there was a lot of concern about people has been disappeared and they has been kidnapped overnight, the weather has contributed to the kind of over-vulnable atmosphere fear 'cause it's quite windy and it everytime in the windows checking during the night and people kind of jump in the place thinking this is us now, we are protesting, certainly I has experienced that in my last few night in Tripoli. 

They were sleepless night, hearing the noises, all shooting and air blades, after all, it was terrible, very bad. 

And what's about the day time, what's like then: "The, the I witness over there was horrible to describe, nothing off from shooting with civilian passing by, it was so aggressive and barbaric in a way that even passing by car and pedestrian on the street cause the quite ... Randomly shooting, oh, all untargeting using sort of type of mechine gun and the .. I just heard from a neightboor who has gone to funeral of the lady who step down to the bacony because she feel it was so unsafe for her kids to stay outside and she got hit by a bullet in the head and die and instantly passing by car and the whole family get injuries. It's so bad, and the story kind of pu-gress over the time while I was there. The people who has shot in the street and was carried back to their houses and all the rule while the shooting has had happened, people was opening their door to let the injuried civilian just to stepping in the house and just at least get be a little bit safe with the shotting, where should they be treated. 


People was very frighten but do you think they still have the determination to carry on protesting. Well, to be honest, in my point of view, frighten is not the word to be described the emotion and what's going on, it was just such a horrible feeling. I drive around the city to say goodbye to my friend and my relativ before I left and all I can see is desert street, shut shop, school with no kids, nobody is turning up. Only a very, very small minorities of people is going to work. It is really really sad, I don't think I have words to describe what is going on in Libya.

It was very difficult to get any sences of how many people may have been heard during the protesting is  becoming more quiter now but we may understand it. But you get any sences of how many people killed?

It was very difficult because I don't think is there anybody who kind of enable (exactly) to, very difficult to qualitify.

It is relatively quite in Tripoli now, what do you think may happen next, is this possible to tell?

I think people would been urge not to go out more because simply the bound and you just facing machine gun. It is just no safety, no protection, no what so ever. And it is just so frighten, so fighting 

Who is this is doing the shooting?


It is very difficult to identify the nationality because there are a lot of question being raise about them being outsider.

Were it often people being in uniform or people in civilian cloth?

You see all sort, you are driving by people who often see armed people, some of them often build gray against and often the army some of time wear normal cloth, it was very difficult, just mix.

Is, is this a price worth-paying for freedom?

Yes, definitely. Yes, Because I think people go to the point and this is certainly talking from the protesting talking to the one I know very well saying we are dieing anyway, what is life meaning to you while you can't speak off. Either we change it or we just die. That's is.

I am not sure whether you can answer this but do you think you can return or you will return?

It depends on what is happening in Libya, I am quite optimistic, thing would  be better, thing would be different, but ... very difficult. 

Libyan doctor who just return from Tripoli. 

Libyan border with Tunisia aid officier has warning of un-folding crisis of a mass of humanity trying to flee the chaos. According to the U.N, during the day about two thousand people acrossing from Libya toTunisia every hour. Once in Tunisia, they have no where to go. It is believed after the twenty thousand are wating to cross from Libya side. 

[People name] is from the U.N. high commision for refugee who is speaking outside the Tunisia border and he described the situation.


It has been a humanatinian crisis, there has been more than seventy five thousand people cross the border to Tunisia side, there are report right now that other ten of thousand on other side are still waiting to pass in an extremely conjusted condition here.

And who is this that is crossing - the vast majority of people are Egyptian where working inside Libya, the first couple of aid we have seen mainly Tusinia coming back, there are other nationality such as Vietnamese, Chinese, people from Bangladesh and from other countries.

Mr. [Person name], the head of the U.N. SCA has been quoting to say he think the international excavation is needed, in this case, where would these people be taken?

There are people who is willing to go back home, just want to be back home. The Egyptian Government has been trying it best so far in order to response to this situation but let not forget that Egypt is also a must from revolution. It is now even has to deal with a bigger crisis in the border also with the Libyan and Egyption border, so it is so difficult for one country and one government to deal with it. That is why, it is extremely important for the international community to step in, and provide massive effort in order to bring these people back home. 

So what is this that you need then?

In the mean time, we are trying to set up a shelter, it is raining right now, the weather has becoming really cold and all of this people don't have to find a place to sleep, so far it has been the local community that has been providing support, but this local community can not cope with this number anymore. They has been extremely geneous to keep this border open but right now they are just having not be able to deal with it. That's why we are trying to set up now urgent a camp that can take up to about twenty thousand people in order to provide shelter until the operation excavation take places.

And do you feel?


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